Improve Your Tennis Serve with These 3 Toss Drills

by | Tennis Coaching, Tennis Training

Improving your serve in tennis begins with a consistent and effective toss. A well-executed toss can elevate the overall quality of your serve, helping players to achieve better balance and confidence. In this article, we will explore three essential serve toss tennis drills that are particularly beneficial for beginners. These drills will help players develop a reliable toss, which is crucial for mastering the serve.


Table of Contents


Understanding the Importance of the Toss

The serve is one of the most complex strokes in tennis, and the toss is an essential part of it. As a coach, I emphasize the significance of the toss when teaching beginners. The following drills will help players grasp the concept and execution of a proper toss.

Tennis player serving

Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash


Drill 1: Lifting the Ball

The first drill focuses on lifting the ball rather than throwing it. This distinction is crucial for beginners to understand. For this drill, players should aim to lift the ball with minimal spin, which encourages them to avoid flicking their wrist or using their fingers excessively.

To perform this drill:

  1. Have the player get into the serve-ready position.
  2. Instruct them to lift the ball straight up while keeping their eyes on it.
  3. Encourage them to feel the lift, ensuring that the ball spins as little as possible.

This drill helps players develop a feel for lifting the ball correctly, setting a solid foundation for their serve.


Drill 2: Proper Release

The second drill (see the video above) aims to teach players about the timing of the release. Many beginners release the ball too early, causing inconsistency in their toss. This drill encourages players to maintain their arm extension after releasing the ball.

To execute this drill:

  1. Have the player lift the ball as in the first drill.
  2. Instruct them to hold their arm extended towards the sky after releasing the ball.
  3. Encourage them to keep their arm up until they hear the ball bounce.

This exercise promotes balance and proper posture, allowing players to wait for the ball to descend before striking it. It mirrors the technique of professional players who maintain arm extension until the ball is ready to be hit.

Tennis serve arm extension

Photo by Moises Alex on Unsplash


Drill 3: The Toss Landing Spot

The third drill emphasizes the ideal landing spot for the tossed ball. It is important for players to understand where the ball should ideally land in relation to their body. To help them visualize this, you can use a pyramid of balls placed ahead of the tip of their front foot.

To conduct this drill:

  1. Set up a small pyramid of balls about a foot in front of the player’s front foot.
  2. Instruct the player to toss the ball and aim for it to land on the pile of balls.
  3. Encourage them to adjust their toss until they can consistently land the ball on the pyramid.

This drill reinforces the concept of toss placement and helps players develop muscle memory for where their ball should ideally land (if letting it drop).


Recap of Key Drills

These three drills are designed to help beginning players develop a solid serve toss foundation:

  • Drill 1: Lifting the Ball – Focus on a minimal spin.
  • Drill 2: Proper Release – Maintain arm extension after release.
  • Drill 3: The Toss Landing Spot – Aim for the desired landing area.

Incorporating these drills into practice sessions can lead to significant improvements in a player’s serve. Consistency in the toss will eventually translate to better serves, increased confidence, and overall performance on the court.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Why is the toss so important in tennis serves?

A: The toss is crucial because it sets the stage for the entire serve. A consistent toss allows players to focus on their mechanics and timing, which leads to a more effective serve.

Q2: How high should I toss the ball?

A: The toss should be high enough to allow for full extension of your hitting arm but not so high that it becomes difficult to control (especially on windy days).

Q3: What should I do if I keep missing my toss?

A: If you struggle with your toss, practice the drills outlined above. Focus on lifting the ball with minimal spin and aim for a consistent landing spot. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Q4: Can I practice my toss without a tennis court?

A: Yes! You can practice your toss at home or in any open space. Just ensure you have enough room to lift the ball without obstruction.

Q5: Are there additional resources for improving my serve?

A: Absolutely! For further learning, check out Ultimate Tennis Serve or explore Visual Tennis Lessons and Progression Drills courses.

With consistent practice, these drills will help you develop a reliable serve toss, setting you up for greater success on the court. Remember, the key to a great serve lies in a consistent toss!

Cosmin Miholca

Cosmin Miholca

Certified Tennis Coach

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